I'm still on the hunt, but I just wanted to say "Hi" and that I'll return soon with new and booknerdy things to say. Feminist ideas about my recent Classic Club Women's Literature Event reads - Anne of Green Gables and Lucy - have been bouncing around in my head for a few weeks now. I particularly want to talk about beauty (woe to the red hair) and education in Anne of Green Gables. I'm in the middle of both We Have Always Lived in the Castle and The Bell Jar right now as well. While I started out the year slowly, I'm on a classics reading roll now, and I'm enjoying this women's lit excursion immensely.
Young adult-wise, there are also a lot of exciting releases on the horizon about which I will have thoughts. Number one for me is The Raven King because this series gets better and better with each installment, and I can't wait to see where the final book takes Blue and her Raven boys. I recently reread the whole series in preparation. My fangirl heart beats #SaveGansey (NERD!). I'm also looking forward to The Rose and the Dagger, which gets released on the very same day. Can I read them both in one day?
In the meantime, I'll keep trying to catch a Heffalump!