Wednesday, September 10, 2014

IN WHICH The Girl Apologizes for Her Technological Ineptitude

Dear regular readers (i.e. the two of you),

Thanks for visiting! Anyways, I'm slowly learning how to use blogging (or just generally computer) technology. I recently realized that you can't actually see the videos in my posts when viewed from a phone, despite their appearance on a computer screen, so I have learned to embed rather than attach videos. Therefore, you can now go back and view the videos from earlier posts on a phone screen. Should you want to. Or not. I understand. Well, the option is now available. Yay!

To show you how much I'm improving, today's video will reward every grammar enthusiast: Weird Al's "Word Crimes"!


  1. niceee. also, weird al is still alive?

    1. Ha I know right? And oddly enough, he's still making songs.

    2. Also, I totally showed this in one of my classes today, and it was met with great enthusiasm (and I'm not being sarcastic). They thought it was hilarious.
