Sunday, January 4, 2015

IN WHICH The Girl Returns From the Dead

Happy New Year everyone! To celebrate, I'm returning after several months of absence. This bear needed to hibernate for a while - just slightly early in the year as I know winter is just now hitting full steam. Last semester was crazy busy and sadly left little time for any extracurricular activities. Luckily, my new year looks bright. This semester I will only be working at one college near my house with fairly normal working day hours! This is a first for me in four years of teaching. Yippee!! As a result, I will have a lot more time to grace you with my wondrous tidbits of information.

The new year tends to come with all sorts of resolutions. I usually avoid said resolutions because I never follow through with them - Winnie-the-Pooh never could keep his promise not to eat the honey. However, there are a few new things I'm excited to try as 2015 gets started.

First, I'm pumped to use the Fitbit I received for Christmas, so I'm attempting to be slightly more active (I know I know. So stereotypical. But also needed). Ideally, my new toy will inspire more walking each day, especially when I'm thinking that taking the train home from work would be easier than the mile walk. For example, right now I know walking to the grocery store would be a good way to add a lot of steps to the day (plus I need to buy some kale for some foods that terrify me: see next paragraph). However, it's also snowing pretty heavily. So not quite yet.

I'm also doing that other super stereotypical activity of trying to eat healthier. Therefore, I'm starting a two-week clean eating challenge today. My morning involved chia seeds, which is certainly a first. I have lots more to say on this topic, so I will save it for a different post.

Lastly, I'm doing one other challenge - the Goodreads kind. While I've certainly looked at reviews on the booklovers' website before, I've never made much use of my own profile on it. Each year I attempt to keep track of the books I read on paper on in Word, but it never really works. Turns out it's fairly simple to log your books into the Goodreads website and it will actually connect directly to your Amazon account if you use a Kindle. I set my challenge for the year at 50 books. I'm really not sure what the appropriate number of books for me is because as I've said, I usually lose track of my books somewhere in the middle of the year. It also depends on whether I'm going to count all the ridiculous young adult science fiction novels I read and the romances I go through fairly regularly, or if I will just count the "sophisticated" novels. Ah who cares. I might as well admit to being as ridiculous as I am. I highly doubt the two friends I have on Goodreads care.

So here's hoping I stick with a few of these non-resolutions. Good luck to everyone else out there challenging themselves this year. And if not, drink a glass of champagne for me (no alcohol for two weeks - what was I thinking??). Cheers!

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